Networking Virtually: Building Professional Relationships as a Work-from-Home Parent

Networking Virtually: Building Professional Relationships as a Work-from-Home Parent

As a work-from-home parent, trying to balance work and family is tough.

Taking care of kids and the house doesn’t leave much time for networking. But it’s important to make connections and build relationships with other professionals. This helps your career.

Networking plays a significant role in job seeking, with percentages varying between 42% and 62%. CNBC indicates that 70% of jobs aren’t publicly posted.

The good news is online networking makes it easier to do this from home. You can connect with people without having to go to events after the kids are in bed.

In this article, we’ll talk about why networking matters for work-from-home parents. We’ll also share tips on how to network virtually. This can help you succeed in your career while still being there for your family.

Key Takeaways:

Networking is vital for career success as a remote working parent. Key points:

  • It uncovers hidden flexible job opportunities
  • You get advice from professionals facing similar challenges
  • It helps you stay updated on industry trends and skills
  • Online networking enables connections on your schedule
  • Platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook Groups make it achievable
  • Consistent effort is key – follow up regularly

Why Networking Matters for Remote Working Parents

As a work-from-home parent, it can be easy to feel isolated and disconnected from the professional world. However, networking is crucial for career growth and development, even for those who work from home.

According to a survey by FlexJobs, 65% of respondents said they have found a job through online networking.

Remote Working, Zoom Calls

Virtual networking has evolved rapidly in recent years. Online platforms make building connections easier for busy work-from-home parents.

Key benefits of networking virtually include:

  • Convenience – You can connect at times that fit your schedule. No need to find childcare to attend events.
  • Wider reach – You aren’t limited by geography. Online networking expands your connections.
  • Flexibility – Networking at odd hours that work for you is easier. You can even network during nap time!

Access to Remote Job Opportunities

Expanding your network introduces you to people who know of flexible and remote job openings. Many aren’t publicly advertised, so networking gives you a leg up.

A wider professional circle improves your chances of finding a part-time or freelance gig too. Ideal if you want to try side hustles while raising kids.

Support and Advice From Fellow Parents

Connect with professionals who also work from home. Swap tips, resources, and advice on:

  • Time management – Juggling work and childcare
  • Productivity – Making the most of focus time
  • Self-care – Avoiding burnout as a parent

Learning from others in similar situations helps you succeed in your career as a remote-working parent. Learning from others’ experiences helps you succeed in your career as a work-from-home parent. According to FlexJobs, the ability to work flexibly is one of the top contributors to a healthy work-life balance.

Stay Updated on Industry Trends and Skills

Through networking conversations, you learn about new developments and advancements in your field.

You can discover which skills are in demand right now and which you should upskill in. This knowledge helps you grow professionally as a working parent.

Combat Isolation

It’s easy to feel isolated when you work from home with kids. Networking combats this by building connections and relationships with fellow professionals.

Even if someone can’t offer job leads, having a mentor or sponsor provides moral support.

The Challenges of Networking as a Work-from-Home Parent

Trying to fit networking in while working remotely and parenting can be difficult:

  • Juggling work and childcare leaves little time for networking conversations or events. Prioritizing your family while also advancing your career is tricky.
  • In-person events often happen outside standard work hours. This makes attending difficult for those caring for kids.
  • Finding the right balance between networking, work, and family time is hard. You don’t want networking to take away from focusing on your children.

The key is to maximize your limited time through online networking. Virtual connections can fit your schedule and still help your career.

Tips for Virtual Networking as a Busy Parent

Fitting in networking while wrangling kids is tricky. But these tips make virtual networking more manageable:

Join Online Parent Groups

Connect with other work-from-home parents through:

  • Facebook groups – For informal chats and advice
  • LinkedIn groups – For more career-focused discussions
  • Slack channels – To network with professionals in your industry

Share your experiences and get support. Discover new opportunities too.

Attend Virtual Events

Carve out time in your schedule to attend:

  • Webinars – To learn from industry experts
  • Virtual conferences – To connect with professionals in your field
  • Online courses – To build skills and network with classmates

Actively participate in discussions and follow up with your new connections.

Be Active on Social Media

A strong social media presence raises your visibility within your industry. Platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter enable virtual networking.

  • Share articles and insights to build your personal brand
  • Comment on others’ posts to join conversations
  • Join relevant groups and follow key professionals

Take time to complete your profiles and share valuable insights, articles, and experiences. This attracts potential new connections and opportunities.

Reach Out to Former Colleagues

Reconnecting with old coworkers is a low-pressure way to network.

  • Send them a message checking in and catching up
  • Arrange a quick video call to get their career advice
  • Ask if they know of any job openings you’d be a good fit for

Rekindling these relationships can uncover exciting new opportunities.

Don’t Forget to Follow Up

Networking requires effort.

  • Email new connections to deepen the relationship
  • Add them on LinkedIn to stay in touch
  • Put reminders in your calendar to follow up regularly

This helps nurture your network over time.

Virtual Networking Tools and Platforms

Many organizations and professional groups now offer virtual networking events. These events provide an opportunity to connect with other professionals in your industry and build relationships.

According to a survey by LinkedIn, 85% of professionals say that online networking is important for career success. Make sure to attend these events and actively participate in discussions to make the most out of your networking experience.

Here are popular online networking tools for busy parents working from home:


  • Connect with professionals in your industry
  • Share articles and insights
  • Join Groups relevant to your interests
  • Attend LinkedIn Events to network virtually

Facebook Groups

  • Join Groups for working parents, mothers, fathers etc.
  • Participate in discussions and share advice
  • Make connections with those in similar situations


  • Join public Slack channels in your industry
  • Network with professionals and promote your skills
  • Great for informal chats and making connections


  • Follow thought leaders and companies in your field
  • Join Tweet chats focused on relevant topics using hashtags
  • Connect with professionals by liking and commenting on their tweets


  • Attend virtual networking events, talks, webinars and conferences
  • Use Breakout Rooms at events to network 1-on-1 or in small groups
  • Follow up with your connections after the event

Real-World Examples of Successful Virtual Networking

Here are some examples of how work-from-home parents have successfully networked virtually:

In an article by The Everymom, penned by Brandy Joy Smith, a career-focused mother and coach detailed the perks of networking online while at home. Smith underscored the significance of being part of professional online communities, like HeyMama, which connects working mothers and entrepreneurs for shared support and teamwork. She also endorsed platforms such as Facebook Groups and Clubhouse as effective networking tools.

Caroline Ceniza-Levine highlights the importance of networking through a personal story. Using a second-degree connection on LinkedIn, her daughter secured an interview. Although the initial attempt didn’t result in a job, continuous networking eventually led to employment.

Wrapping Up

Networking is crucial for work-from-home parents to advance their careers and build a support system. With the rise of virtual networking, it is now easier than ever to connect with other professionals and build relationships from the comfort of your own home.

Investing time in networking pays dividends in terms of career progress and personal fulfillment. Don’t neglect it, even if juggling kids and work from home.

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